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September 4, 2010

Another Happy Sabbath

Happy Sabbath everybody! How goes it? I'm just sitting here on meh laptop, and I decided to write a little blog while I'm here. Not much has happened recently, except that I ran across a book series that I am very excited about. The Circle Series is what it's called. Written by the brilliant Ted Dekker. Beautifully written, awesome story, hilarious and like-able characters, what else could I ask for?

Hey, I don't know if I've mentioned this in any of my other blogs, but right now I'm writing a book. A book I hope to publish before I finish High School. In fact, my preference would be to publish it before I begin High School. But at the pace we're going (yes, I'm writing it with a friend) it won't get published for another two years! It's a Science Fiction book which I've actually had the idea for since I was like...six! I've remembered it all these years, then I ran through it and kind of "rewrote" it in my mind. I told my friend Amanda about it, she loved the idea, and now we're writing a book.

I'm afraid I'm not going to post this anywhere for a long time. It's not even close to finished, and this is only a first draft. So I don't need any critics to start critiquing my work yet.

One other thing I'd like to talk about briefly here, is how much my writing has improved. I looked at a story I had written a while back, and realized that my writing had improved tremendously. I couldn't figure out what it was that made me improve so much. I then remembered two things, one being Amanda. She was always so good at helping me improve my writing, without acting like a critic and making me feel sad. Well, not usually. ;) The second thing that helped me improve my writing, was reading and critiquing other people's writing. Not necessarily published books. That didn't help me as much as reading stories by non-professional authors, and trying to help them improve.

Well, that's all I got to say for now.

God bless, and thanks for reading.


Quote of the Moment:
An author in his book must be like God in the universe, present everywhere and visible nowhere.  ~Gustave Flaubert
(man, I like this quote) 

1 comment:

  1. Anthony, I was blessed to read your blog this morning. I love the lofty publishing goals and aspirations you are holding onto and I look forward to encouraging you to reach them in whatever ways I can.
