
Welcome to my blog. Read it and weep. :)

August 27, 2010

14th Birthday, School, and StarQuest!

I haven't posted in a while, and thus, am posting now. Those of you who actually read my blog, maybe have been wondering what has happened to me. Well, I'll tell you. StarQuest-I mean, StarCraft. You see, my sister has been teasing me about this new game I got called Starcraft 2. Some of you must have heard of it. I mean, it is the most anticipated game of 2010. People have been waiting for it since 1998!

Anyway, she pretends she forgets the name and calls it StarQuest, which is why I pretended to forget the name earlier.

Now that we have gotten that cleared up, let me tell you what has happened in my life lately:

*Summer Vacation (lots of traveling, not much relaxing)
*Lots of movies
*Lots of writing
*Lots of making movies
*Not so much reading
*Too much family. (Well, I guess you can never have too much family. But if you could get close, that's where I am)
*14th Birthday
*School's return (Bleh!)

And that's all I want to tell you honestly. The rest of my life has been very...boring? No. Boring is not the word. More like, not interesting enough to talk about. Yeah. That's it.

Anyway, like I mentioned earlier, I also had my 14th Birthday! It was actually only four days ago. The day school started (curse you school!!) Luckily, I had like three celebrations so...it's all good. :)

Now the great thing about turning 14 is, you can start to flirt with the 15 year olds without getting the strange stares. At least, I was sure that was how it was going to be. But let me tell you, it's not true. I got even MORE strange stares. But, I have a motto to keep me motivated and cocky... "Blame it on the acne!" Even though I don't have acne (thank God), it somehow still comforts me.

I'm still waiting for the day when I'll look in the mirror and say, "I am finally, an adult." But according to many people, I'll never come to that realization because of the slow process. But see, I can't imagine myself looking in the mirror when I'm like 96 and saying, "I look just the way I used to be!" I'm pretty sure one day I'll look in the mirror, see myself, scream, and then say, "I'M OLD!!" Maybe I'm wrong, who knows?

That's all I got to say right now. So, as always...

-God Bless!

Quote of the Moment:
As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.  ~Fran Lebowitz