
Welcome to my blog. Read it and weep. :)

January 1, 2010

Basics of Life

In my life, I've learned a couple of things. From, how to use the bathroom, to, how to talk your way out of situations. And I've found, that everytime you learn something, your character has slightly changed. When I learned about the meaning of friendship, I stopped lying to my friends for attention.

That's why it's important to be careful what you learn. Don't learn how to smoke, if you don't plan on smoking afterwards. It's common sense.

Though, learning why smoking is bad, is another matter. You're giving yourself information that you can use later. For instance, lets say that I learned, "Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and chronic lung disease. It kills 120,000 people in the UK every year and is the single most preventable cause of early death in the world.". Now lets say I had a friend who smoked, and he asked me why I didn't smoke. Wouldn't it be nice to know that information? I could tell him, and maybe he would consider throwing away his cigarettes.


I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Anthony. I am a thirteen year old, and I am a Seventh Day Adventist. My dad is a pastor, and my mom works in a hospital.

My parents divorced early this year. Though, they had separated about three years ago.

And no, neither of my parents were unfaithful or anything like that. I'll just leave it at, it's not interesting enough to talk about it (that, and I don't want to be misunderstood).

Anyway, I have two siblings. A younger brother, Logan (9 since December). And an older sister, Danielle (17). They each are four years apart from me (for those of you who can't do math).


A lot of you might be wondering why I'm writing a blog at all. Well, I write stories. Books, stuff like that. Haven't attempted to publish, yet. Currently working on a Romance/Teen/Young Adult/etc. kind of a book. And I've been wanting to write something more about MY personal feelings.

Though, considering no one will want to read a BOOK about my feelings. I thought I'd blog about it!

So I'm writing about my feelings about things, people. I'll write about where I've been going and what's been happening in my life. Things like that.

I'm guessing that no one will end up reading this blog anyway, so I guess a better word for it will be a public journal.

Now, at the end of every blog post, I shall put a quote. It could be funny, it could be deep. ANYTHING!

Well, guess there's nothing left to say but,

God bless!


Quote of the Moment: Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.